Plitvice National Park

Simply magnificent, Settings of lakes, forests, waterfalls, caves and wildlife turn this park into an indescribable fairytale

Plitvice National Park

The sixteen lakes in the Plitvice National Park are connected by a series of waterfalls set deep in the woodland. The woodland is populated by deer, bears, wolves boars and rare bird species. The largest waterfall is 70m tall. The water colour constantly changes from lake to lake because the water has been flowing over the limestone and chalk for thousands of years.
We started really early in the morning with a shuttle bus trip to the upper lakes where we walked on numerous trails of land and footbridges over the lakes.It truly is an indescribable journey with the constant colour change of water, gushing water and waterfalls, lush green trees, fish in clear water and manmade wood bridges over the lakes make this the perfect and most beautiful place to visit.
There is a boat shuttle service that takes you to the other side of the park, The Lower Lakes, where we stopped and picnicked halfway while resting our feet.
Then it was time to visit the Lower lakes. I thought that nothing could be as beautiful as the Upper lakes until I saw the Lower lakes. The unique colours cannot be explained ranging from emerald green to turquoise. One minute you’re walking over a manmade wood bridge and then from nowhere you are standing in front of a massive cave with the sounding of water gushing all around you and lush green vegetation it is hard to describe what you feel inside. You can continue forward or climb up to the top of the cave , which we did and once you're at the top you look down on magnificent wonder.
Also from the top you can see the largest waterfall in the distance.
We walked back down to the lakes and across the woodbridge to see the waterfall close up and it can only be described as a fitting end to our indescribable and incredible visit to the Plitvice National Park.
From Plitvice it was a bus ride across to Karlovask where we took an overnight bus to Pula

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